Mary Pekin sat in the back row of the high school class room almost unable to look any of the other women in the face. This was so embarrassing! She had lost complete control over her sex drive because of her over developed clitoris! She had been to six doctors and each and every one of them gave her the same diagnosis: Hyper Clitoral Dysfunction. Good grief, she had never even heard of it until her own organ ballooned up until it actually looked like a little penis! There were at least twelve other women present, and Mary wondered if they were stuck in the same leaky boat as she was. Her last doctor had recommended she attend this special class to help her cope with her problem. This was the first of seven scheduled meetings and Mary was nervous to say the least! Several of the other women were talking in subdues voices when a firm voice resounded, “If we could all take our seats, we can get started!”

Mary looked up to find the location of the voice and was a little taken a back when she discovered that the voice belonged to an absolutely stunning blonde of about thirty five or so! The group quickly quieted down as everyone’s attention gravitated to the blonde. “Good evening ladies, my name is Veronica Knight, but since this will be an informal class you may call me Roni!” “You’re all here for the same reason, so we might as well get down to it right away!” It was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop as everyone in the class stared impassively at Veronica Knight! “I’ve found that best way to get comfortable with the situation is for everyone to remove all their clothing from the waist down,” Roni said evenly. So if everyone is quite ready, let’s get started!” Red faces began popping out all across the room and no one made a move to remove any clothing. “Come now ladies,” Roni admonished, “let’s get on with it!” With their heads hung down the women slowly began taking off their skirt, dresses, and slacks before sliding panties down and over their hips. If anyone had cared to notice, Veronica Knight was joining in and taking off her clothes as well!

Read the rest of Over Developed Clit (904 words)

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