Our first threesome was the greatest sexual turn on I have ever had. A friend of ours that came over just about every weekend was who I had my eye on.

Steve would come over, and my husband and I would drink, smoke, and talk on the ham radio till late at night. Steve would all ways hit the road about 2 am, and my husband and I would go to bed. This had gone on for about 3 months, but this evening he didn’t have a ride home, so my husband told him that he would take him home. Just as he was about to leave I called my husband back to the bedroom, and ask him what he thought about Steve going to bed with us. He was really shocked, but it was so sexually arousing that he loved the idea.

Now he had to get up the nerve to ask Steve what he thought, they got in the car, and just as they pulled out of the drive way, my husband, somehow ask the question, Steve was all for it.

They backed the car,into the drive and got out. My husband said he was getting so nervous that he was about to freak out. When they came back in the house, my husband ask Steve if he had any more of that smoke with him, he said yes, and pulled it out, My husband came back in the bedroom and ask me to come out and join them in a few tokes, I said Oh yes.

We sat and talked for about 30 minutes while we smoked and got a real buzz on. I said, I’m going to go get in bed. They followed me back to the bedroom and we all sat on the bed. We talked a little more as I took off my robe. I said, come on guys get your clothes off and get in bed. We all took off everything but our underwear and got under the covers, I ask Steve if he would light up another jay, and as he did I got up and got an ash tray, and slid back under the covers.

Read the rest of My First Threesome (515 words)

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